The Story...

Ryan is home.

After nearly two years of addiction and life on the streets, he is back. He is clean and sober. He is the son his parents always dreamed he would be - kind, loving, hard-working.

He is a model prisoner.

He wants to go back to the place they found him. To the decaying building in the worst part of the city. To Brother Jonah, the cult leader who brainwashed him. To the man who forced him into a life of sexual slavery.

Thomas is Ryan's cousin.

He is a young filmmaker determined to discover the truth about what happened to his cousin. He attempts to unravel the enigma of Brother Jonah. His investigation takes him deeper and deeper into the bizarre mystery of the man's origins - a history of violence and redemption, betrayal and forgiveness.

His journey takes him to the heart of the cult and their extraordinary "rebirthing" ritual which seems to free the mind of the trauma and pain that leads to addiction.

His thirst for understanding takes him on a personal quest for enlightenment, but to go through that door, he will be forced to leave much behind.

We are all one in the Body of Christ

"If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it."

The Film

The Body is a documentary format feature length film written and directed by Jerry Collom shooting in the spring of 2013.