
Brother Jonah - cult leader, former Marine, intense, strong physical presence, 30-50, military and/or martial arts background helpful.

Disciples/Cult Members - male and female, late teens to late thirties. Seeking a mix of ethnicities and physical types who like the challenge of creating intense, deeply emotional characters. Actors playing these roles will have a great deal of input in the development of their characters. Actors in these roles must be open-minded and physically expressive. There may be some limited nudity for some of these characters. Musical ability, particularly drumming and dance helpful. Martial Arts experience also a plus.

Gideon - male, early twenties, clean cut, former Mormon missionary, now a disciple of Brother Jonah.

Noah - male, early twenties, clean cut, former Mormon missionary, now a disciple.

Mary - female, 20-30, thin, sexually provocative, former drug addict and prostitute, now a disciple.

Ryan - recovering cult member, male, late teens, athletic, attractive, looks young but projects a calm maturity beyond his years.

Benjamin - male, 25-35, wheelchair-bound, wounded veteran, former Marine who served under Brother Jonah's command, bitter about his injuries.

Aunt Fergie - female, 45-55, Ryan's mother, high-strung, worried suburban woman.

Uncle Bill - male, 45-55, Ryan's father, former Marine, forceful, strict.

Detective Syminski - 40's, police detective, former Marine, clean cut, military bearing.

City residents, neighbors, street people, codes enforcement officers, vendors, various ages, genders, and types.

We are all one in the Body of Christ

"If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it."

The Film

The Body is a documentary format feature length film written and directed by Jerry Collom shooting in the spring of 2013.